M42 The Great Orion Nebula |
Other Names/Objects | NGC1976 (M42, Orion Nebula) / NGC1977 (Running Man Nebula) |
Optics | Takahashi TOA-130F Telescope at f/7.5 |
Mount | Mountain Instruments MI-250 with Gemini on ATS portable pier |
Camera | Canon EOS 20D [ Hutech Type I ] |
Exposure | 60 minutes [ 20 x 3 minutes ] at ISO 1600* |
Calibration | 20 darks | 15 flats | 0 bias |
Air Temperature | Unknown |
Accessories | Takahashi 35mm Flattener | Autoguided with piggybacked SV80S and ST-2000XM |
Location | GMARS in Landers, California |
Date | November 18, 2006 |
Notes |
Processing: Image acquisition, align, and combine with ImagesPlus v2.8. Levels, curves, and unsharp mask in Photoshop. * In addition to the twenty 3-minute images, I took three 15-second images, and three 3-second images. These were averaged and added in as their own layers. Doing this allowed the Trapezium at the core of the nebula to remain visible while still displaying the fainter outer areas of the nebula. Also applied were 15 dark frames (median combined) and 3 flat frames, each 1/100th of a second (average combined). This is one of two "first light" images for my Takahashi TOA-130F. The other was the Horsehead. Larger versions: 1800 x 1200 (~1.5 MB) |