NGC 7000 and IC 5070 North America and Pelican Nebulae |
Other Names/Objects | — |
Optics | Takahashi FSQ-106ED X-III Quadruplet Refractor Telescope at f/5.0 |
Mount | Astro-Physics 900-GTO German Equatorial Go-To Mount |
Camera | FLI MicroLine KAI-11002-C at -25°C |
Exposure | 320 minutes (32 x 10 minutes) |
Calibration | 60 darks | 60 flats | 60 flat darks | 0 bias |
Air Temperature | 75°F |
Accessories | Autoguided with SBIG ST-i camera and Astrodon MMOAG |
Location | CaliforniaStars Observatory in Landers, California |
Date | August 11 & 12, 2012 |
Notes |
Processing: MaxIm DL Pro v5.21 for acquisition. ImagesPlus v4.25 for calibrate, Bayer CFA interpolation, register, and combine. Photoshop CS4 for curves, levels, sharpen, saturation, crop, resize and JPG compression. The blue light at upper right is from Deneb, just out of frame. Larger Versions: 1800 x 1200 (~2.5 MB) 2400 x 1600 (~4.0 MB) |